Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why Believe There is a God? Because of Proof

Because Atheists don’t see God, they conclude that He does not exist. To them, this really is the only ‘evidence’ they need. Non experience for them becomes a paradigm lens through which all facts are processed and filtered. Yet it is unwise to equate not seeing with proof of non-existence. Ignorance and evidence are not synonymous. Just because I do not perceive something with my senses, does not necessarily prove they don’t exist? It never occurs to them that things can and do exist apart from perception all the time. No one can see microscopic life apart from the aid of a microscope and yet people get sick by them all the time. Can anyone see your thoughts? The fact they may not be perceived by others does not make them any less real. The wind may be invisible to the human eye, but the effects it has on a windy day make it no less tangible. The same can be said of the Spirit of God. His Spirit may be invisible to many, but this does not make him any less real; any less tangible. Is it possible to see Him who is invisible? The Scripture actually says yes.

Creation affirms the Existence of God

Anyone who really understands the science of nature should understand how God originated all things. We are told in Scripture that God and his invisible attributes can be clearly seen by people being understood by what is made (Rom 1:20). The fact that gravity can only make balls roll down hills can never account for how those same balls started at the top of the hill in the first place. If heat always travels from warmer to cooler temperatures in nature, how did hot spots like the sun originate in the first place? If all natural mechanisms tend to decay and unwind things, how can order clearly observed ever be explained by anything natural? If what exists cannot be explained by the natural, then only what is supernatural can explain it. DNA is the informational blueprint from which every cell in every species is formed. Think for a minute about this one fact. What is the data really telling you? It is telling you all cells in all species today in the observable present are not randomly formed, but designed to specifications from the informational blueprints packaged within the nucleus of their cells. Every living thing is actually intelligently designed. Designs always imply designers. What is seen is actually built from what is not seen as the Scripture says. His fingerprints are all over creation if you are looking for him. This is why Scripture says the Heavens declare the Glory of God (Ps 19:1).

History records the Acts of God

Anyone who understands History should also know that it all centers around the person of Jesus Christ; it is his story. All of recorded history is numbered from the time of his birth. People may want to balk about what the Bible testifies about God, but the Bible is a historical document. Who really can refute history, especially when they were not around to observe the events for themselves? What book has ever been more carefully documented than the Bible? It’s hard to question the disciple’s motives for sharing their testimony when the only thing they stood to gain for doing so was persecution and death. What is even more compelling is that no contemporary critic of Jesus Day even refutes this account; they actually corroborate how Christ performed miracles, that He claimed to be God, that He died by crucifixion, and that his body went missing. It makes it very hard to refute historical facts when any account from either a friend or a foe recount the same basic story. Even the contemporary skeptic’s explanation for the resurrection validates it’s occurrence. Their best account is that the disciples stole the body when the guards were asleep. How would they know the disciples stole the body if they were asleep? Their account is self-defeating and proves itself false. You are not being objective when you try to rewrite history to say something it did not say. If Christ left a historical precedent for the resurrection of the dead, why would that be such an incredible thing to believe? If God made all things as they are today, can He not do it again? Our own personal existence in the universe should tell us He has at least done this once before. If He already made something from nothing once before, can He not do it a second time? When you consider all these undeniable facts, you begin to realize the data can only lead to one conclusion for an objective person.

The Present and Future will reveal the Existence of God

Why should people believe in the existence of God? The simple answer is because He is. Who else gives you a sense of right and wrong? Who else instills within us a conscience we all share? Who else can haunt us within our thought life on how we are to behave? The Scripture says you can know him because He lives with you and will be in you. He is not far from any one of us. Anyone who truly seeks for Him will find Him. He is the first and the last, the Alpha and Omega; the one who is and who was, and who is to come. This implies that all things started with God, all things are influenced by God, and that all things will finish with Him. You can choose to bury your head in the sand and ignore the signs in creation, the testimony of history, or the inner voice in your head, but eventually you will have to face the music. You will have to give an account to God for what you have done. Make no mistake. At the end of the day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Why not make your peace with Him today?

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