Sunday, March 8, 2015

Why Pray? Because God will often not Act until you Ask.

Principle 1: Getting through to God begins with getting to know God.

If God is only going to do what He said beforehand He would do, many people conclude there is no point in praying to God at all about it. They see it as throwing effort at futility. God may be only willing to do that which is according to his own will, but how is that different from any other relationship? I have never seen anybody do anything without first being willing to do it. You can’t make people do what they don’t want to do. Does this fact stop you from talking or relating to others? Of course not! We all understand that getting to know people is a critical first step in getting through to them. Who you know is far more important than what you know. The same is true of a relationship with God. Praying is just talking and relating with God. We get to know someone when we converse with them. We draw near to God so that He will draw near to us. Getting through to God begins with getting to know God. You get to know God through prayer and Reading his Word.

Principle 2: Be careful what you ask for, you may just get it.

Of course, many people want things contrary to God’s will. When people harden their hearts and persist in having their own way, God often gives them what they ask for just to teach them a lesson. The school of hard knocks is a painful school master. Sometimes it is the only way people will learn. Be careful what you ask for, you may actually just get it. There is wisdom in asking God for his input on the matter; He is omniscient. Deferring to his will on a matter can actually provide some protection against yourself and your own impulses. This is why it is smart to pray ‘not my will but thy will be done.’ God’s plan is always higher and better for us than what we realize. It does not hurt to ask God’s thoughts on the matter. You tap into God’s wisdom when you do.

Principle 3: God may will many things but He will not act until you ask.

Relationships are a dance. God may be willing to do many things and never actually do them. Consideration makes him refrain. He will not proceed until you are first on board with it? Does He not say this in his Word? Oh how often I wanted to gather your children together, as a Hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! God is not willing that any should perish and yet we know that many will do just that. Why is this scenario the case? The reason is because many people are not willing. They have not because they ask not. God will often only act when his people are ready for Him to do so. God is not slow as some understand slowness. God is patient with us who are slow to change. A gentleman may wish to embrace and yet He refrains until his bride has made herself willing and ready. He waits for our will to align with His. Many Christians can be found spinning their wheels for long periods of time trying to do stuff on their own. God wants us to realize that it is from Him and not us. So He lets us try to do it on our own. Calling on God through prayers as a first resort would save us all a lot of trouble.

Principle 4: God will not return to earth until all his servants collectively long for his appearing.

If you were honest with yourself, you would realize few people are really praying for God’s kingdom to come back. They are too busy with their lives and building their own kingdoms here on earth. I believe God knows this and in his mercy He refrains from coming back. Jesus himself said that you would not see him again until people cry blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Why would a loving God deliver people when they don’t really feel like being delivered? This also explains why it has to get so bad on earth before He returns. Until the status quo becomes intolerable, people rarely seek out change. Too many people turn to prayer as a last resort. Yet God wants all of his children in agreement with his will before He returns. In the end, when the martyrs pray for their blood to be avenged from their God. He tells them to wait a little while longer until the full number of servants would also be on board as they were. When the prayers of all the saints collectively rise before the Lord, then the trumpet calls will go out for deliverance. God may will something but He does not act until you ask. This makes for a very good reason for all Christians to pray.

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