Jesus told believers to watch and pray that they may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man (Luke 21:36). With such a comment, the question arises how does one really escape all the things to come? What will you do when you cannot buy or sell unless you take the mark of the beast? Even the best doomsday preppers are not completely self reliant on everything forever. Will the abundance of possessions save you, if there are hordes of people standing ready to loot what you have amassed? Do not Hoarders become targets in times of trouble? How about weapons and Self Defense? Can any one man (or some small group of men) take on a million man army sent to kill 1/3 of man kind? How will running to the woods help if a third of the trees and all the green grass are burned up by hail and fire? Will hiding in underground bunkers save you, if God makes the ground fall in on such strongholds? Where do you run if the wicked in power rule over the entire world? A person cannot stay in a spider hole forever. It’s important to realize natural measures have their limitations. A person is always vulnerable to some degree. How does a Christian find their way in such bleak circumstances? How does one really prepare for doomsday to escape it as Jesus mentioned? The Bible has a few things to say about this and I would like to discuss them below.
Principle1: Situational Awareness can go a long way toward prevention.
For starters, the best way to escape the tribulation is to never find yourself in this situation to begin with. I believe this really begins with situational awareness. Situational Awareness is the most important skillset to have for personal safety. Lacking this skill is the prime factor leading to human error and disaster. The skill involves perceiving people and things within the context of their environment with a level of understanding so as to anticipate their development. For example, how can an Anti-Christ come to power if society anticipates such a figure and takes measures to ensure He does not? I believe this is one reason why the book of Revelation holds a special blessing for those who read and keep what’s written in it. By knowing Bible prophecy, a person has a better feel for people, situations, and events that play out. When a person can anticipate an event developing, they can then take adequate measures to counter them. We are all in this together, so it is imperative that all of society remain aware. We do this by spreading the Gospel message to every corner of the earth. God tells believers to watch and be sober so the day does not overtake them as a thief. Fall asleep at the wheel and these things can fall unexpectedly upon us. Constant vigilance does not present opportunities for a thief. You may not know when the thief comes, but your vigilance will keep anyone from breaking into your house. Christians are called to watch and be ready in like manner. If God will only come in an hour you won’t expect Him, than expecting Him will only delay that inevitable hour. By keeping God’s command to persevere collectively, the Church of Philadelphia was promised by God to be kept from the hour of trial. If people today would keep God’s command as they did, I believe we too could delay the inevitable from befalling our own generation. If only we would but humble ourselves, repent, and pray that God would keep our generation also from the hour of trial. Open up your Spiritual awareness. Have a feel for the Spirit of the times. You can learn a great deal by just reading the scripture and observing what’s around you; situations will tell you more than what others would be willing to let on. Pay particular attention to what you do not see. Baseline what is normal. Make note of changes. Listen to your intuition. I believe this is what the bible means to be sober minded. The prudent see danger and take measures to mitigate the threat.
Principle 2: To escape, you have to be ready to leave and not look back.
As God in his grace tarries, people eventually start thinking that He won’t come back. They become complacent and they eventually stop watching. This is why the end becomes inevitable. If God pulls the trigger on the seven year tribulation, people need to understand that He does this intending to bring an end to the present age. This means that life as you know it is now over. Jesus directed the Jews that once they see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the Holy place spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, let those who are in Judea should flee to the mountains. Those in the country should not enter Judea. Israel shall flee into the wilderness where she has a place prepared for her by God and will be fed by him for 1,260 days. The remnant shall flee through the mountain valley that shall reach to Azal. They shall flee as they fled in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. They are to leave immediately and not look back for anything. Jesus warns those who are on the housetop not to go down to take anything out of their house. He also warns those who are out in the field not go back to get their clothes. Hesitation will only result in them being overcome. I believe it is somewhat telling that the 144,000 sealed are only virgin men devoted to God. The book of Revelation tells us they are Men who have not defiled themselves with women. Why only virgin men? Pure virgin men are untangled with the cares of looking after a woman and a family. Their heart is completely prepared to follow Jesus wherever He goes. Married men and women care for their children and loved ones and I believe these very cares will be what slows their exodus down. Physical skills are worthless if a person is emotionally paralyzed by the cares of this world. Jesus strictly warns us to remember Lot’s wife; she was a woman who when asked to flee from the city of Sodom to avert destruction looked back and became a pillar of Salt. Jesus did say woe to those who are pregnant and nursing babies in those days! I don’t think a person needs to over spiritualize why only young virgin men are in the 144,000. Sometimes when being chased, a person has only to outrun others who are also being pursued to escape. Who better to win such a race than young virgin man with nothing emotionally tying them down? He will leave the women fussing over their babies in the dust. God wants us to be without care or distraction. The form of this world is truly passing away. A person must settle their own thinking about God and being committed to Him beforehand. Indecisiveness will only lose you valuable time. You are going to have to be unencumbered by the cares and relationships of this world. Anyone who loves father or mother more than Christ is not worthy. Anyone who looks back is not worthy. A person must learn to roll with the punches (like water off a duck’s back). All material things can be replaced. Loved ones will be seen again. Following God’s life-saving directions must be at the forefront of everyone’s mind. A person must preserve their spiritual will to survive at all costs. Spiritual Preppers are going to have to count the cost of following Jesus. If you are not prepared to forsake all for Christ, you cannot be his Disciple.
Principle 3: For many, death will be that way of escape.
At the end of the world, people will be given a terrible choice. The first option would be to take the mark of the beast and be tormented by God with fire and brimstone for all eternity. The second option would be to refuse the mark of the beast and be killed or face starvation. This is why it is called the hour of trial or the great tribulation; it is a trial that will befall everyone who lives on the face of the earth. What way of escape will God provide to believers in this time? Many believers will be given only one way out and that out will be death itself. When all other natural measures fail, believers must remember that even in death the righteous find a refuge. For believers, death is the one escape route that is always available and holds no sting. Those who willingly lose their life for Christ’s sake will come to find it. Scripture promises that those who share in Christ’s death will certainly share in his Resurrection (Rom 6:5). Those who believe in Christ will live despite their death. They shall live and never really die. ‘The righteous man perishes; and no man takes it to heart; merciful men are taken away, while no one considers that the righteous are taken away from evil. He shall enter into peace; they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness’ (Isa 57:1-2). This is why Revelation describes how God will say in that time, ‘blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them’ (Rev 14:13). There will come a time that death will be the only way of escape. Only people who believe in the supernatural deliverance of God will be prepared to take such a route of escape. This will call for patience and faithfulness on the part of the saints. The Bible says He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Revelation speaks of how a certain number of servants must be killed before the time of the end. It’s important to realize that God will use the antichrist to clear believers from the face of the earth that they may not suffer his impending wrath to come. Once all the believers have been removed, God wrath will commence on every unbelieving survivor and they will wish for death before the end. Many will lose their life in their attempt to save it. The Anti-Christ will torment his opponents, but reward his followers and admirers. They will reason to themselves ‘who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’ As unbelievers perceive no natural ability to escape this situation, they will begin to join his cause. After all, if you can’t beat them than join them; it is the old Stockholm Syndrome strategy in play. In their own minds, they are already defeated. So to avoid trouble at all costs, they will attempt to placate their abuser rather than remove him from power. Many will fall away from the faith for this reason. In assuming the aggressor’s values, they will cease to perceive him as a threat. In doing this, they will also join the Beast in his ultimate fate. You have to abide in Christ to remain alive for eternity. In Short, You are going to have to be prepared to die for your faith.
Principle 4: Don’t just look to your own natural resources, but for God’s help to come to you.
Many people think God helps those who help themselves. This saying is actually unbiblical. God helps the needy, the poor, the widow, and the orphan. He helps them because they know they need his help and they call upon his Name. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. This is why God’s strength is made perfect in weakness (II Cor 12:9). Those who believe themselves to be self-sufficient don’t see the need to call upon Him. They do not know how helpless and vulnerable they really are. When every breath taken is dependent upon God providing a person with the oxygen they need, how is anyone really self-sufficient ever? A person can get themselves into trouble when they don’t know their own limitations. Even youths grow tired and weary. Even young men stumble and fall. I believe many will find their natural provisions to fail them in the end. Scripture says men’s hearts will fail them in the time of the end. They will writhe as a woman in labor. They will be fearful for all that is coming on the world. When the sun ceases to shine, men will not know what to do? It is precisely in such times, Christians are to lift up their heads for their very redemption draws near. He becomes our light when all other lights go out. When every natural defensive measure begins to fail you, Christians need to learn to think outside the natural box. God himself promises to shorten the days of the tribulation for the sake of the elect. While many will die, a chosen few will remain until the coming of Christ. They will be delivered out of this world but not by natural means. He will rapture them up and gather them to himself. The rapture is for all intents and purposes a super natural intervention. They escape only because God rescues them. In the end, believers will need to count on God’s help coming to them. When the storm comes, you won’t stand your ground unless you have first learned to rest upon Christ. In such a time, Believers will come to a better appreciation of how Christ really is our savior. This is why Jesus tells believers to pray that they may be counted worthy to escape all that comes to pass and to stand before the son of Man. Many people do not see prayer as a form of practicality, but leaning on Christ to save you is the best survival measure a person can take.
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