Sunday, March 20, 2016

Beast Symbolism: the Bible’s Visual for a Kingdom’s Vice and Destiny

On Learning the Nature of Government through Heraldry

Why should it be unusual for Scripture to use symbols to describe what the Anti-Christ’s kingdom in scripture would be like? Symbols provide a visual for everyone regarding the intangible nature of this kingdom. From antiquity, Governments would form blazons on their army’s shields, staves, and standards for identification. These coat-of-arms were created with some unique crest and insignia for displaying the character and the history of their government in shorthand. In Heraldry, people would often choose animals and sometimes even mythical creatures as state symbols to reflect their human virtues or vices to others. Scripture describes the Anti-Christ’s kingdom as a leopard with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion (Rev 13:2). Such a description may seem bizarre at first until a person realizes that many governments use such a described beast in their code of arms today and have for a long time. The heraldic lions found in the code of arms of the British monarchy are one such example (although others could also be given). Heraldic emblems also portray a motto that would reflect a government’s personal beliefs and ideals. Such mysterious symbols may conceal these ideals to the average onlooker, but their inherent meanings are truly hidden in plain sight. After all, Scripture tells us what these symbols mean at face value. In similar fashion, the symbols given in Scripture for the Anti-Christ’s kingdom paints a very vivid picture of what this government would be like and the picture is worth a thousand words.

A Society always prospers through it’s moral virtues and always dies by it’s vices.

Once a nation’s predominant beliefs and guiding philosophy are known, it’s inevitable course can always be predicted. Why would this be the case? Solomon keenly observed that nations are really established by righteousness. The importance of morals to the fabric of society cannot be stressed enough. Morals are the basis for granting individuals their rights. Morals give men the freedom to make choices benefitting their own interest. Morals enable men the freedom to pursue life and enjoy the fruits of their own labor. Morals do not permit men to violate the rights of another. Without the rule of law, there is no way to determine who is entitled to what. As long as one group attempts to subjugate and violate the rights of another, the opposing parties will resist and fight back. If men cannot appeal to laws for protection, then society will resort to force to solve their conflicts. Physical force is the inevitable consequence of abandoning morals. Without the rule of Law, only might makes right. There can be no peace apart from morality. Morals are the glue that hold a society together preserving harmony among it’s members. Societies which abandon morality do so at their own peril. There can be no compromise on moral principles. Any compromise on moral principles is in fact a surrender to evil. When society makes room for evil, then only harm will come of it. Corruption will always undercut the standings of any establishment. Because Government institutions are composed of sinful men, corruption inevitably sets in within these human institutions. When this happens, societies itself begin to fall apart and people begin demanding change and even revolution. Because of this, every earthly kingdom will eventually fall as long as sin prevails within it. So the very principles that guide a Government’s conduct and behavior says a great deal about it’s destiny.

What the Beast Symbolism means for People in a Nutshell

The complexity found in heraldic code of arms often denotes a combination of kingdoms that have merged either through treaty or inheritance from pre-existing kingdoms. The same could be said of the seven headed beast with ten horns described in Revelation (Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7). This beast symbolizes both a final worldly king and his kingdom. Scripture tells us this beast has seven heads; these heads represents both seven mountains and seven kings (Rev 17:9-10). The fact that these heads are kings should not be unusual. Government leaders are often referred to as heads of state; referring to these leaders as heads also may infer they are the source and mastermind behind this government’s policy. Strong leaders often do make public policy. The kingdom of the Anti-Christ would be based on a collective philosophy of seven different past government leaders; leaders having a character and nature that can only be described as blasphemous (Rev 13:1). We call this kingdom blasphemous because they will outwardly defy God and his morals. These seven heads possess seven diadems and their philosophy for ruling will be Satanic in influence given the dragon is described as having these seven heads (Rev 12:3,9). Scripture refers to these heads as mountains because they will stand higher than those around them having amassed a large amount of power and the harlot city that conspires with them will sit atop that power. This establishment will make it difficult for common people to get ahead. Of course, The Anti-Christ will assume power when transgressions will have reached their fullness (Dan 8:23). Evil always rises to power when there are no good men to stand in their way. Public policy decisions are always made for a reason; these are not innocent mistakes. Someone is always lobbying those in power in an attempt to influence policy. When policy makers can be bought off, their power is for sale to the highest bidder. The mother of all harlots will agree to make the Anti-Christ their leader in the hope that under his shadow they might fulfill their own greedy ambitions. They will vote for change without first appreciating what that change will mean. The government of the beast will not have friends but only self-serving interests. As a result, the beast will only carry the harlot for as long as it serves their purpose to do so. Mystery Babylon conspirators who attempt to ride this beast will find it untame and are not aware of the long range goals they are actually serving. The Ten Horns are also ten kings who will protrude from this kingdom (Dan 7:24-25). Animals primarily utilize horns as weapons for personal defense and establishing dominance. These ten kings will butt heads with the woman sitting atop this government. In the end, this kingdom will actually eat the harlot city alive (Rev 17:16). By agreeing to grant the beast his power, people will usher in the end of the world as we know it. People may not be ready for Christ to come back to earth now, but they will be ready for Him after having a taste of what life would be like under the rule of the Anti-Christ. Only a strong public outcry for justice and equity from God’s people will usher in the kingdom of Heaven on earth. This is why it has to get worse before it gets better.

When Savage Beasts reign unchecked, life will be like the law of the Jungle.

So what can people expect life to be like under the reign of an Anti-Christ? When rulers have no regard for God’s laws, they will behave like savage animals. We call the kingdom of the Anti-Christ a beast because it will be an inhumane institution, full of cruelty and depravity. We said previously Scripture describes this beast as a leopard with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion (Rev 13:2). Such animal caricatures can only describe this kingdom as predatory in nature. Governments will often violate one’s individual rights and justify doing it in the name of the common good. What they mean by this is that the good of some men may be sacrificed for the sake of others. In the time of the end, anyone with wealth could easily find themselves within the lion’s mouth; the mouth is the opening through which a kingdom takes in food. Without the rule of law as protection, the weak and unarmed will fall prey to such a beast; it will destroy many in their prosperity (Dan 8:25). The Anti-Christ’s kingdom will devour many people as sacrificial animals with no one to help them. Reason will not convince this beast to change it’s spots (Jer 13:23). Feeding predators have little regard for the welfare or cries of their prey. Unregulated by moral laws or ethics, this Beast will resort to tactics of brute force to get it’s way. They will do this simply because they can. This Kingdom is said to be exceedingly strong having huge teeth of iron and nails of bronze; it will devour the whole earth, breaking their subjects in pieces, and trampling the residue with it’s feet (Dan 2:40-43, Dan 7:19, Dan 7:23). The savage brutality this government will exhibit will be excessive. This kingdom will step over anyone who morally stands in the way of it’s political aspirations. Like a burly lumbering bear, this kingdom will crush all dissent. As a result, the beast will not only destroy the mighty, but also the holy people (Dan 8:24). This kingdom will make war against the saints and defeat them. The Beast shall prosper and thrive because He will destroy fearfully (Dan 8:24). It does not take talent but only brute force to kill and steal. Such is the nature of how wicked rulers oppress a poor and defenseless people (Prov 28:15). We refer to such environments as the law of the jungle; a system where the only rule of law is eat or be eaten. The nations of the world will find this kind of government to be an exceedingly dreadful and terrible kingdom to live under (Dan 7:7,Dan 7:19). When God’s people find themselves in such a circumstance they will be ready for God to return and will fervently pray for Him to save them.

God bestows governments with political teeth to uphold morality and not to lord over it’s subjects.

The mandate of every government is to protect it’s people from evil. Because not everyone may wish to play by the rules, morals must be enforced with the sword to keep evil at bay. Laws will not be respected unless governments possess the teeth to enforce them. Any hint of pacifism on the part of a government will only invite evil aggression. Police forces were intended to protect individuals from criminals; the military was intended to protect individuals from foreign invaders. Government bears the exclusive right to bear the sword to enforce appropriate social behavior. Objective standards of justice are preserved for everyone by not leaving such a role to the discretion of private individuals; so the task is entrusted to governments alone to perform. God never intended governments to lord over it’s people; He intended government to serve it’s citizens by protecting their rights. As long as a government fulfills this God given mandate to uphold righteousness with force in a society, it’s own existence and prosperity will be firmly established. If a society begins to think more about their own ease than of being armed than they are in jeopardy of losing their state. If a Government does not protect it’s citizens, then people would be forced to arm and protect themselves from evil. If Governments become the very evil they swore to protect people from, the ruling power becomes the greatest threat to people’s welfare. Morality and principle are what protect unarmed citizens from government seizure and suppression. When Governments abandon morality, they do so with the intent to abuse their power. When they do so, their own sin becomes their own undoing.

How the Beast’s own Sin will cost them the state.

A wicked predatory government that sustains itself through killing and looting is always a short lived government. Such brute force methods may gain someone property for a time, but they will never bring a leader glory. Fear may keep one’s subjects loyal for a time, but hatred will not permit a leader to rest. A king cannot trust hostile subjects who only secretly hold him in contempt. Atrocities will only force a ruler to keep his sword in hand. We are told the absolute authority of the beast will only last 42 months (Rev 13:5). Such wicked governments are always short lived because they destroy the very hand that feeds them. Governments always rely on the wealth produced by it’s subjects to sustain itself. When men are free to work to make a living, their effort produces goods and services that benefit all of society. The wealth our society currently enjoys is first and foremost produced by such people- not governments. The voluntary exchange of goods and services for profits assures each trade along the way benefits all parties involved; if it did not, such trades would not be made. Buyers do not acquire things which hold no value to them. Sellers do not offer goods and services without being adequately compensated for them. Such is the nature of supply and demand in a free market. Voluntary consent assures one cannot receive value without first trading value in return. This freedom of choice allows money to reward producers offering the greatest rate of return. Competition for such resources continually spurs on business to offer better goods at cheaper prices. When an invention or some other advancement is made and shared with the world, everyone profits. The free market rewards the seller for their innovation and everyone’s standard of living is raised as a result. This engine of production creates wealth for all of society. No one loses in such a system; together everyone prospers. Allowing men the freedom to pursue one’s own happiness drives all this progress. Destroy the productive members of society and they only cease creating wealth for everyone. Little profit can be further had from rubble. Once they perish, civilization itself will perish. This is really how corrupt governments begin to fall apart. For Lions themselves will perish for lack of prey (Job 4:11). As all internal resources become exhausted, a wicked government must attack it’s own neighbors to prevent it’s eventual and inevitable collapse. This is why there can be no peace for the wicked. The beast will attack the Lamb and his coming Kingdom because He will have no other choice left to survive. The beast must either attempt to kill or starve. The endeavor may prove suicidal for the Anti-Christ, but a beast will only choose to go down fighting. No one will help the beast when He comes to his own end (Dan 11:45). Their own sin will ultimately cost them the state.

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