Friday, December 25, 2015

Mystery Babylon-A Biblical explanation of the woman riding the Beast

How the path to Hell is paved through good intentions

The Bible tells us that all secret societies borrow their means and methods from the city of Babylon in antiquity. Nimrod was the first to attempt to unite all people in apostasy against God and establish a unified kingdom there. Through building a city and a tower that would reach to the heavens, Nimrod, the mason, would make a name for himself. Fear of another impending flood from God was manufactured and spread among the masses in order to unify all men in this effort. Secretly manufacturing a problem that would naturally stir people to react in a manner you originally intended them to move is the essence of what has been coined as Hegelian dialect. It gets people to do what you want them to do without them even knowing you are doing it. Through building such an edifice, Nimrod’s hidden agenda of establishing a kingdom and becoming a mighty hunter among men would be accomplished. When God confused their language, fragments of this wicked kingdom with it’s philosophy and tactics would be scattered to every corner of the earth. Vestiges of the kingdom have operated in the shadows under many different names and organizations all over the world ever since. Their arts and tactics would continue to be used by the ruling elite to manipulate people’s decision making. We know that the woman is a city (Rev 17:18) of the international ruling elite because of how She sits a top peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (Rev 17:1-3, 15). You don’t really understand what is going on in the world until this Hegelian Dialect strategy is understood.

Vestiges of Mystery Babylon have been around a long time and will continue until the end of the age.

Scripture traces how many of the Babylonian practices of the Maji (the upper ruling class of wise men) have been passed down among individuals and groups throughout history. Simon Magus, the founder of the Gnostics (or secret knowledge), would attempt to preserve a following for himself by cloaking his sorcery activities under the guise of Christianity. Peter rebuked Simon for not having a right heart when He attempted to buy from Him the right to confer the Holy Spirit on men (Acts 8:9-18). Simony, the attempt to purchase ecclesiastical privilege for personal gain, was a very common manipulation among the magi of Babylon from whom He derived his art. Similar plotting can also be observed by the Satraps when they attempted to throw Daniel in the lion’s den through coercing the hand of the king (Dan 6:1-15). Many of the secret organization we have today find their roots in such philosophies. The hidden agenda behind all of them is to rebuild what God had once scattered; a house for the harlot woman of wickedness in the land of Shinar (Zech 5:11). Before the time of the end, this society of individuals will emerge once again as an international city that rules over the kings of the earth.

Why Christians should not drink Mystery Babylon’s Kool-Aid

The vestige organizations of Mystery Babylon remain secret simply because they have something to hide; some hidden agenda that the general public would not really approve of. The word Babel means confusion. There are two meanings behind the term confusion. The first implies disorder as God thwarted the effort by confusing the languages of the people working on the tower. The second meaning implies a lack of understanding; it is to mistake the reality of a person or thing for something else. This second meaning is further emphasized by the term mystery. A mystery is difficult or impossible to understand because the true nature or identity of this woman is secret, puzzling, or unknown without the specialized knowledge of her designs. Whenever a citizen sees their leadership making decisions that do not appear to make sense, always remember there is method to the madness. A person does not become a leader by being incompetent or stupid. Babylon and all it’s daughter organizations have two levels of teaching; first, a concealed esoteric doctrine to be shared only within an inner circle of Illuminated leaders (while everyone else is kept in the dark). The second teaching would be a carefully crafted propaganda to be widely disseminated for consumption by the ignorant masses. Through Babylon’s sorcery, all the nations are deceived (Rev 18:3, 18:23). Because the nations do not think straight regarding the reality of her designs, the inhabitants are said to be made drunk by them. Her propaganda is intended to confuse people. The first teaching would reveal the real hidden agenda behind the organization. The second would be used merely as a front for the public and as a means of putting a good face on the organization’s real activities. To the uninitiated, the path to Hell really is paved with good intentions. To protect people from such devices, God reveals plainly through scripture the real nature of these games. Games every Christian should be aware of.

How this Mother of all harlots will be in bed with the kings of the Earth.

We are also told that this woman is a Harlot (Rev 17:1). What does the Bible mean by referring to a city as a harlot? A harlot is a woman who trades her personal favors in exchange for a price. This city performs special favors for the leaders of the world in exchange for a price. Not only is she a harlot, but she is called the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth. It is important to realize that this woman does not reign over kingdoms but specifically over the kings themselves (Rev 17:18). She may sit atop the peoples, multitudes, and nations of the world, but she is not said to rule over them specifically. This implies the Babylon’s interests trump the well-being and interests of the world’s citizens. Of course, a person need only control the leader of an organization to hold sway over what that organization actually does. Presidents and Kings are leading their people down the primrose path and they do not even know it. We are told that the kings of the earth commit adultery with the harlot (Rev 18:3). How does a figure head get in bed with a city if not by being unfaithful to the people they lead? Kings and presidents have an obligation to serve the best interests of their subjects; to do otherwise would be treason. I believe it is in this sense, that the Kings of the earth are unfaithful. World leaders are bought off. Through bribery they serve the interests of the city that pays them rather than the subjects they are actually called to serve. We know that these figure heads are bought off because the Bible says they lived luxuriously with the Harlot (Rev 18:9). If you were on the fence about whether conspiracy is actually occurring within the halls of Government, rest assured the Bible has already spilled the beans on them. It accuses all of them of conspiring with this harlot city known as Mystery Babylon.

The Harlot city will also be in bed with big business.

Not only is this woman in bed with the kings of the earth, She is also in bed with big business as well. The merchants of the earth grow excessively rich through Babylon’s abundance (Rev 18:3,15). We are told mystery Babylon is one of the leading importer of goods. The rest of the world depends upon her for buying their merchandise. To understand who these players are a person need only follow the money. We are told Babylon’s merchants were the great men of the earth (Rev 18:23). Every shipmaster, responsible for international trade by sea, becomes rich specifically by her trading (Rev 18:19). We are also told specifically what they trade in- merchandise in gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, ivory, wood, bronze, iron, and marble, cinnamon, incense, oil, frankincense, wine, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, bodies and souls of men (Rev 18:12-13). All these merchants will weep when they see her destroyed. Through international trade, these merchants are able to circumvent the laws of a given nation simply by performing critical activities outside their respective jurisdictions. The city we are told will certainly see herself as above the law. Scripture says she sees herself sitting as queen above the nations (Rev 18:7).

How this Mother of all Harlots will have blood on her hands.

The Bible clearly states how this woman is completely wicked at the highest levels of her organization. The fact she creates problems in the world to further her own personal agenda shows her intentions not to be good. To the harlot, the people she sits over are simply pawns to be used- a means to an end. She does not care who has to be killed or plundered in order to accomplish her goals. This mystery city clearly has blood on her hands. The Bible says this woman is responsible for the blood not only of the saints and prophets, but of all who are slain on the earth (Rev 18:24) ; it even says She is drunk with this blood (Rev 17:6). This is a huge charge that the Bible is making of one city! One of the ways this woman influences people is through the spirits she peddles. The Bible says the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication (Rev 18:3). The masses buy into her propaganda and they are corrupted by it. The scripture says the great harlot corrupts the earth by her fornication. By promoting evil, mystery Babylon could be said to nurture all the evil that occurs on the earth. There will not only be one or two bad apples in the barrel of this city. The Bible says the city will become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit (Rev 18:2).

How God will give the Harlot a Taste of her own Medicine.

It is folly to think that one can hide their true intentions from all seeing omniscience. God sees what the Harlot has done and He remembers her crimes. How can anyone participating in a secret organization that uses it’s subordinates as expendable cattle not realize it’s leaders would view them in the same light? There is no honor among thieves. Do those who manipulate men not realize they too are being manipulated? Because Mystery Babylon is only all too eager to confuse the world that she might take advantage of them, God will also give her a taste of her own medicine. The cup she dishes out to others will also be passed to her. God will send one more wicked than herself to bring the city down; He will unleash a master of intrigue, the Anti-Christ, to ruin her. She will make a deal with the devil and He will eventually turn on her at the height of his power. In doing this, God will lay a snare for Babylon by which She will be trapped (Jer 50:24-26). It’s important for Christians not to confuse the whore of Babylon with the Anti-Christ; they are not the same players. The Harlot may ride the beast, but she herself is not the beast of Revelation. The city of mystery Babylon may find herself sitting on top of the governments of the world, but all of this will eventually catch up to her. Right when she believes herself to be riding high, the ten kingdoms of the beast on whose back she rides will ultimately betray her. Like the Greek Myth of Zeus and Europa, the beast the woman believes to be tame will eventually carry her to place in which He can have his way with her.

Because what goes around eventually comes around, do not share in her sins.

The Devil does not really share power with others. He will seduce you to conspire with Him through temptation and then accuse you to the brethren behind your back. The kingdom of the beast will hate the harlot, mystery Babylon; they will make her desolate eating her flesh and burning her with fire. The Beast will bring an Army from the north with which to make her desolate and they will show her No mercy (Jer 50:3-4, Jer 50:41-42). Babylon’s own abominable behavior to the nations will be what fills them with wrath for her (Rev 14:8). She will be destroyed in one hour (Rev 18:10,17) of one day (Rev 18:8-9). Her fall will be like that of a millstone plunged into the sea (18:21). God will grant the beast his kingdom until His curse on mystery Babylon is fulfilled. For God will put these intentions into the heart of the beast to be of one mind and to fulfill his purpose (Rev 17:16-17). The City of Mystery Babylon will be overthrown like Sodom and Gomorrah (Isa 13:20). The merchants and Kings who conspired with her will stand afar off for fear of her torment (Rev 18:10,15). What goes around eventually comes around. God will mix double for her what she has prepared for others. God will avenge on her the blood of the saints. Because of this, God warns his people to come out of mystery Babylon so they do not share in her sins and receive of her plagues.


speedymomma said...

Excellent article, Bro!

One word sums all this up: Illuminati--
also known in scripture as "the nations";
as referred to prophetically in Psalm 2:1&2 (NASB)
Interestingly, the Illuminati agenda operates under
the motto, "hidden in plain sight" which sums up
"the second meaning" you describe in the 3rd paragraph.
The willful participants--"the elite"; as well as the ignorant
mentally enslaved masses--are both groups of puppets made to dance on a
string controlled by Satan. The only freedom from this
is to be a born-again, sanctified child of God through
the grace & blood of Jesus Christ our Lord & our God.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the Feed Back! Blessings to You and your Family as well.