Monday, November 28, 2016

Sexual Perversion, Kinks & Fetishes-gaining freedom from warped thinking

One of the major reasons God gives to avoid sexual immorality is because it is a perversion. Saying something is a perversion implies people are not thinking straight about a given subject. When it comes to sex, people often make a wrong turn misconstruing something clearly bad as somehow good. The Biblical term for this is called iniquity. God sees everything that man does and His summary assessment of their behavior in a nutshell is this. A man is a prisoner to his own warped thinking. His own twisted beliefs hold him fast to that course. The very consequences to their own behavior kills them simply because they don’t know any better (Prov 5:21-23). It may seem hard for people to believe that so many can get it wrong but discovering this truth is not as hard as one might think. If God’s ways are truly higher than our own, would it not be worth giving Him a listen on the subject? What does a person really have to lose by letting Him present his case?

What turns a person on always comes down to mindset.

The difference between people who find something completely gross and others who find it a sexual turn-on comes down completely to mindset. How a person thinks about abnormal, sexually deviant behavior determines whether someone has a kinky disposition for it or not. Not everybody thinks alike, so what someone finds attractive is really just a point of view. Moreover, not everyone is right in the head. So it stands to reason that what some people are attracted to will not make any sense to anyone else. For instance, most women in their right mind would never dream of being raped and yet there is a segment of the female population who do this precise thing. Women who associate the violent behavior exhibited in rape with intense desire may find themselves aroused and getting off on imagining such an event. It is natural for all women to want to be desired with some intensity but making such an association with rape is clearly wrong headed. Because rapists do not in fact love the women they abuse, the real experience of being raped would be very different than what some might fantasize it to be. Most victims of rape find the experience a horror and not a turn-on at all. I say most, because there are some exceptions to this rule. All a person has to do is to look at Hollywood to see those exceptions. People cannot rise above their own understanding. Before people can change, mindsets must change.

Why Fetishes that are sick in the head need to be called unnatural.

The key to untangling any mess begins with identifying what is all twisted up. Twisted lines of thinking are what make people pre-disposed to being kinky. Many of the dark desires and fantasies people have can only be described as unnatural. In fact, they are sick in the head. I mean no offense, but someone has to say something. How can civilization progress unless things are called for what they really are? What should be self evident to everyone is not always obvious to some. Take for example the fetish of eating poop (yes some people actually do this). The average person would not dream of doing such a thing; most immediately recognizes the dangers regarding infection one might incur from indulging in such a vile practice. Eating poop is not the natural course of events for people to entertain if they wish to do well. So the practice can only be described as bizarre and unnatural. Because of this, eating poop holds no appeal for most people. The same reasoning could be applied to any other sexually deviant behaviors outlined in Scripture. Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of basic anatomy and physiology can and should know what is biologically natural or not. People have just stopped thinking for themselves. Seeing the obvious becomes difficult when a person is too busy listening to what society tells them. Society will slap special labels on many deviant behaviors and spin it as some sort of sophisticated healthy alternative sexual lifestyle. All the hype and glamour only confuses people. Political correctness is literally killing us. Identifying abnormal and deviant behavior for what it is would be the first step toward unraveling the kinky mess.

Identifying the faulty methods behind the madness are key to unraveling them.

Some people recognize there is something wrong with their feelings, but they just don’t know how to fix it. Unraveling all the knots in someone’s personal belief system can get messy. In straining to separate out all the kinks, many find their dark feelings only gaining a tighter grip around them. Behind every kink and fetish, is a belief that such a practice will bring some form of pleasure. Pleasure has a very strong pull on all of us. It is very hard to undo what is twisted when are our own desire for pleasure is constantly pulling at us. As long as the deviant behavior is somehow entangled with what a person believes to be pleasure, the ability to dislodge that association can prove difficult (but not impossible). The key to untangling this association always involves closely examining how someone has interwoven such behavior with pleasure in their own mind. Perverted beliefs always wrap up evil deviant behaviors with pleasure. Only by closely examining those beliefs in the light of God’s truth can such perversions be unmade. The motives for indulging in all forms of sexual immorality are based upon faulty thinking; it’s only a matter of identifying those loose ends and unraveling the madness for what it is.

Leave your Sin or it will ultimately kill you.

Ultimately thoughts fuel feelings and those thoughts hold consequences. Who in their right head wants to die? Moreover, who would stop at nothing to achieve it? Only people with a demented mind crave things that bring death (Prov 8:36). People who think hanging themselves would somehow enhance their sexual experience. People killing themselves contracting disease and harming their own body. Society is filled with such examples; they are their own witnesses. If a person fails to destroy the destructive behaviors within their own life, those very behaviors will ultimately kill them. With Sin, it is always kill or be killed. Observers watching this foolish behavior play out to the end always ask themselves one thing- what were they thinking! Escaping such a disastrous course only requires two important steps. The first is being willing to learn. The second is being willing to change. A man must allow God to transform and renew his mind. His perfect will can always be proven out (Rom 12:1-2). God will bestow a man with a sound mind, if He lets him (I Tim 1:7).

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