How people outgrow bad habits and develop new ones.
Learning is the path to seeing things differently. Once a person realizes an activity has no redeeming value, that activity can lose all it’s appeal. When you learn a given activity is a huge liability, a person will want to get rid of it very quickly. People struggle giving up bad habits precisely because they are not convinced how sin really brings death. When this reality eventually sinks in, change happens quickly and can happen in a moment. As a person’s beliefs change, they change. This is why the just are said to live by faith. People outgrow bad habits all the time. Likewise, as we begin to see the value in something, we begin to appreciate it more. The goodness in people comes alive once they realize that doing the right thing is the best choice to make. Doing what is right may appear old fashioned, but it truly is the best course to always take. Let me explain why.
Why Sexual Immorality profits for nothing in a nutshell.
People practice sexual immorality because they believe it will bring them sexual fulfillment. It’s foolish to think you can treat someone badly and be rewarded for it in the end. Behaving badly will not get you anywhere with God or with people. Fostering love always begins with treating your partner right. Real sexual fulfillment always depends upon the willingness and good will of one’s partner. So finding the right person is as important as being the right person. Who can find fulfillment with an unfaithful person? Why make a prince charming out of a man who is not? Why give your heart to a harlot who is only out to take your money? Where are those immoral people when times get rough? For these simple reasons sexual Immorality is profitable for nothing.
Why Sexual Immorality is more trouble than it’s worth.
People who practice evil think they are clever. They think no one sees them and that they are getting away with their schemes (Isa 47:10). They think no evil will come upon them. Nobody gets away with anything; especially when God sees everything. He will give your victims eyes to see. Mess with someone else’s heart strings and a person is only asking for a beating. Screw with people’s emotions and it will come back to haunt you sooner or later. Sexual Passions can be very strong in people. Take advantage of those feelings and you are only asking for trouble. Every man has a family who loves him. Every woman is somebody’s mother, sister, or daughter. Even widows and orphans have the Lord and one certainly does not want to offend Him. Wrong someone and a person can quickly find they have many enemies on their hands. What goes around certainly comes back around in spades. Immoral people are truly gluttons for punishment if they think hurting others will somehow bring them any form of fulfillment. Evil will come upon the wicked and they will not know how to brush it away. When it does, they will not know what hit them (Isa 47:11). The wicked are always punished as a result of their own evil. Wicked people only bring this upon themselves.
Why being Moral is the only true path to fulfillment.
The best primary defense from evil and misfortune is not giving people cause to come after you in the first place. All good deeds have their reward. For one, Righteousness will act like a shield to those who use it. For who really wants to harm someone with good intentions? (I Peter 3:13). Jesus said it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:13). This is because the pay offs greatly exceed the initial investments made. For even sinners love those who love them (Matt 5:46). Make the world a better place for people and just see the rewards roll in. Why turn away from a loving God who only seeks what is best for you? Why would a person think an all knowing God would be full of hot air? God’s ways are altogether right. Where has God failed to provide for his children? Have you not had everything needed up until this point in your life? Why make God your enemy? Behave badly and He will only oppose you and your effort to find fulfillment.
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