About seventy five percent of the sexual
immorality prohibitions listed in Scripture pertain to preventing various forms
of incest including pedophilia. God
would not give these prohibitions unless there were actually people out there
who did this kind of thing. Everyone
knows they have to do something to merit the attraction of outsiders. Family bonds are not like this. Family
members love each other simply because they belong to each other. No airs are required. As a result, the bar is set fairly low for receiving
affection among family members. When
people lust like animals as I described in previous posts, they will have sex
at any chance they get.
Their neurosis often
makes it too difficult for them to attract people in the outside world, so they
resort to taking liberties among their more impressionable family members.
Adults and older siblings should really know
The fact that they keep such
things as family secrets shows they really do know better.
Families may
require less formalizations among their members, but they still require the
same amount of civility, courtesy, and common decency. Children require love from their parents and
place a high degree of trust in them. They
live in your home and they need your protection.
Adults are
entrusted to provide this safe environment for their children to bloom. All this makes them powerless and vulnerable
to you. As a Child’s hormones begin to
emerge, they may develop feelings of attraction toward their parents or older
siblings; the so called Oedipus Rex syndrome coined by Freud. This phase normally passes quickly as a child
matures. It’s a parent’s responsibility to help guide
children through those stages of development. Taking advantage of such unguarded moments is
really underhanded. Inbreeding under the
guise of family affection or education
is really just a pretense. Attempting to justify
these actions by claiming the child consents does not make it right either,
regardless of what NAMBLA says. Children naturally want to bond with their
relatives; they need to feel wanted and loved.
They don’t want to be alone. They also don’t know any better; they are
still growing. Loving parents don’t just
give their children anything they want;
loving parents give them what is best for their well being. Twisting
a child’s need for family love into an opportunity for sexual exploitation is a
violation of trust. You are not really
loving a child when you exploit such feelings.
Why else would incestuous websites recommend to start their children off
early? The younger the child, the
greater the power imbalance becomes. Just because you are given an open door of
opportunity, does not mean that you should take it. Society maintains age of
consent laws for a reason. Sleeping with
someone below a certain age is automatically labeled as molestation or rape
regardless of consent. It’s taking
advantage of children who do not know any better, no matter how you slice
it. Scripture tells us not to uncover
the nakedness of any next of kin. Molesting vulnerable relatives warps
their sense of what’s appropriate. When a family fails to instill a proper sense
of boundaries and behavior for a child, they become unable to recognize the
dangers others pose when exhibiting similar overtures. They can have difficulty knowing when to
trust others and forming healthy relationships.
These warped views can make individuals susceptible to many problems
later on in their adult life. Expressing
bad genetics is only the tip of the iceberg.
The Bible would say that you visit the iniquity (or warped beliefs) on
to your children and grandchildren when you do this. This is why incest victims have a high
incidence of becoming perpetrators in life.
An adult who exploits a relative in this manner is not really thinking
of their victim’s overall well being.
This is why we identify inbreeding as wickedness. In his Prohibitions, God uses the phrases
‘She is your mother’ or ‘She is your sister’ to remind the would be perpetrator
that your relatives are people with feelings and not objects. I think He does this to instill a conscience within
people. Getting your focus off of
romanticizing the ‘Love that dare not speak it’s name’ and on to ‘my family
needs my protection’ is the pathway to recovery. Your family needs this kind of dependability
from you. In tough times, who else can
people turn to than their family members for support? God gave everyone a family for this
reason. Real love always considers the
well being of people before they think of gratifying themselves. Find a spouse to meet your sexual needs. To do otherwise, only proves to be lust
masquerading as love.
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