Understand the difference between Sex and Sexual immorality
Is God against Sex? The simple answer would be no. He made sex. God wanted to multiply people on the earth. God invented sex and made people sexual beings. God certainly blessed people when He made sex a very pleasurable experience. However, God is against people using immoral means to have sex; He is against sexual immorality. God will punish the person who lies, steals, and kills to get sex. God is against fornication. Attempting to take advantage of the opposite sex for personal fulfillment and not being prepared to pay for it is a form of stealing. God Hates Divorce and when people don't keep their commitments. God is against people who say they love each other when they really don't; this is lying. God condemns Rape. God is against people who hurt others in the process of getting their sexual kicks off. It is important for people to understand the proper balance on when sex is and is not appropriate. For there is a time and place for everything under the sun. Following Biblical guidelines regarding sex not only saves lives but is the real road to sexual fulfillment and happiness.Celibacy as a requirement is actually a doctrine of demons.
The Bible's guidelines regarding sexual morality and what many churches teach are not always the same. Some would teach that sex (as opposed to just sexual immorality) is somehow a naughty thing. They would make people feel shame for wanting to fulfill their sexual needs. Stressing that sex should only be indulged into to procreate and that they should somehow feel bad if they actually enjoy the process of doing it. Did you know that the Bible says to teach celibacy as a requirement comes from demons and not God (I Timothy 4:1-3)? Religious pride drives pastors and teachers to uphold celibacy over getting married. They would have you think that abstaining from sex altogether makes a person holier than someone wanting to marry. They do this to exalt themselves and boast over others; such boasting does not come from God (I John 2:16). God may not compel people to marry but He does not force them to abstain from marriage either.
Pretending to not be a sexual being when you are is a form of Hypocrisy
Abstaining from sex in itself does not make you a better person. Trying to make yourself look better than what you really are is an act of hypocrisy. God made men and women sexual beings. Pretending to not be a sexual being when you really are is hypocrisy. These teaching only drive sexual behavior to the closet and examples of such religious hypocrisy can be found everywhere. Telling myths such as storks bringing babies to parent's doorsteps is a classic example of how religious people attempt to mask the reality of where babies really come from. History is loaded with examples of 'celibate' priests who themselves have indulged in the most grotesque sexually immoral behavior. In fact, many celibate priests choose their profession in order to mask other deviant sexual behavior like homosexuality. All this religious hypocrisy regarding celibacy only serves to drive many people with burning passions away from God. If people do not realize God can fulfill the desires of one's heart (Ps 37:4), they will not seek Him out to do so. In this manner, these unbiblical teachings create a great deal of neurosis in people unfamiliar with God's way. Burning with passion, they turn from God rather than turning to Him. Of course, this was likely Satan's strategy all along by promoting such false doctrine.
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