Thursday, December 15, 2016

Immoral Women-Why Husbands call them Ball & Chains

If you are going to do well, you are going to have to be able to screen out all the bad stuff. This includes steering clear of immoral women. Marriage can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be a terrible thing if done wrong. Men, being suckers for a pretty face, often learn the hard way that character really does matter. The man who falls for the immoral woman lacks understanding. He does not understand a woman’s heart and her motives. Immoral Women deliberately use their sexuality to wield power and control over a man. They know men have a weakness for the female anatomy. They will use a man’s own passions against him in order to enslave him. A man does not understand how an immoral woman wants to put him in chains and fetters (Ecc 7:26). They are so focused on the sexual bait, that they truly fail to see this trap.

Seek to use a woman and you will only find her using you.

Many men prefer immoral women seeing them as easy sexual pickings. Men need to be careful when immoral women appear too be easy. Many times that which comes too easy is in fact a trap. The immoral woman uses her body as a tool for manipulation. Try to merely use a woman sexually and you will only find her using you. Any man seeking to enter the immoral woman’s bed will always have to play by her rules. Immoral women attempt to coerce a man into giving her what she wants. She does not do these things because she loves a man but because she wants him to do her bidding. She is seeking control. If she has you whipped, she will own you. She will make a man jump through a myriad of hoops in order to be in a relationship with her. The man enslaved to his passions is destined to become the immoral woman’s slave. The more desperate a man's urges are, the more subservient He will become. Men do not know what they are signing up for being in a relationship with such a woman. They do not know what they are losing when they do this.

Know the difference between getting sex and being led on?

Most men do not mind pampering a woman provided they are rewarded for all their effort. Of course, immoral women do not play by rules of fairness and reciprocity. For them, sexual immorality is a con game; the scam is always to take what you can get without having to give anything in return. Women know how to take advantage of a man enslaved by his own passions. She will deliberately lead a man on by her dress and body language allowing him to think his effort will eventually be rewarded; she will go through these motions knowing that he stands little chance of getting anything from her. She will only tease him mercilessly to get what she wants. Many men succumb to this game hoping to get lucky. They do not appreciate the difference between being promised sex and actually getting it. Immoral women feel no obligation to fulfill their side of these bargains. It is only customary for a man to give her things and have nothing to show for it. It can be quite frustrating for a man to wait patiently for sexual fufillment and then never have it come. Relationships with an immoral woman can really be a sexless hell. Why throw your effort at what does not really satisfy? Immoral women will take you for a ride if you let them; a man who really knows better will show some restraint.

Why immoral Wives earn the title of ball and chain.

All women desire to be cared and provided for by their husband. Understand the price a man pays to give her this is nothing short of a lifetime of servitude and an endless supply of financial resources. This expense would truly be a small price to pay for a woman with real love for their husband. Real love is priceless. The man blessed with a noble wife will find her a fountain of fulfillment all his life. An immoral woman, on the other hand, is a selfish woman; You cannot expect her to think much of anyone beyond herself. The immoral woman will attempt to live a life of luxury at her husband’s expense and not really care for him at all. She will only use sex as a bargaining chip to get her way and to lure a man into her cage. Once she has him tied down, the need to satisfy him becomes unneccesary. Catering to a man’s needs requires too much effort on her part. Manipulative Control rather than love becomes the weapon of choice to keep him in line. She will whip him into shape by attacking his manhood and nagging him to death. To avoid being hen pecked, a man will begin to assume his workhorse position. He will endure her cyclical moods and incessant demands knowing if momma aint happy, he will be made unhappy. A man would certainly feel trapped in such situations. The Bible rightfully describes the immoral woman as a snare or a trap. Immoral wives are referred to as ball and chains for a reason. Men cannot afford to give a woman everything and have nothing to show for it. Once she has you, you are at her mercy. You will pay for the decision the rest of your life. This is why Scripture warns men that the the immoral woman will prey upon his very life (Prov 6:26).

Why it is important to put God first in your relationships. 

There are too many fish in the sea to be desperate. No figure is so pretty that it is worth living with an immoral woman. Men have only to control their own passions to avoid such women. There is a time and place to enjoy ones hormones, but men should not let their hormones get the best of their thinking. Putting God first is the best way to guide one’s passions into a relationship that is safe and fulfilling.

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