When a man looks at a woman to lust after her, he is doing it for sexual fulfillment. Jesus himself said when a man looks to lust for a woman, he is doing it with her in his heart (Matt 5:28). If a man were to actually attempt to touch such a woman, He may very well find himself in a great deal of trouble. To avoid this trouble, many men resign themselves to only dreaming about such women. Men do not see any harm or consequences in simply looking at a woman. So they feel they can look but not touch. This line of thinking is as foolish as smoking only one cigarette won’t hurt me. A person cannot divorce their actions from their heart. Men always look at a woman because they first have a heart to do so. Capture a man’s heart and his actions will soon follow. For one’s heart always guides a man’s actions.
Why the eye never has it’s fill of seeing.
Why is looking such a bad idea? Hormonal Passions are really a fire. People look in order to indulge their hormones. Hormones inflict a degree of pain on a person if they go unfulfilled. People seek to satiate those desires by looking. Of course, a man who looks at a woman lustfully will only enflame his passions rather than quench them. Hormonal fires only rage when they are fueled. The more you stoke a fire, the hotter it will burn. This makes the feelings worse, not better. The hormonal beating will only get worse with looking. This is the folly behind look but don’t touch. Men will always want to touch what they look at. Touching them will put a man into deep trouble. Looking and not touching will only make him crazy. A man does really escape the clutches of a woman, if He leaves his heart at her door. He has to stop looking to do this.
Let your passions rage and they will get out of control.
The time to stop looking is now and not later. Fail to control a fire when it is small and it will quickly spread. The hotter a fire rages, the harder it is to control. The harder it will be turn back. Many people do not realize there is a point of no return. A point where a person’s passions get the best of them. A point where a person’s passions simply rage out of control and cannot be stopped. At these points, all people begin to think stupid. Reason goes out the window. A person’s hormones rage so hot a person cannot withstand the pain any longer. All they can think about is sex. People can and do becomes sex crazed. At this point, people throw all caution to the wind. People would rather die than say no. Facing a life of raging unfulfilled hormones is simply unbearable. This is the only reasoning a person with raging hormones understands. If a person lets that fire burn uncontrolled, it will get the best of them. For this reason, a person needs to stop fueling one’s own feelings before they get out of control.
Fires always die down, when they are not stoked.
Taking your life in a better direction always begins with controlling yourself. Self control is necessary to guide a person to fulfillment. God is love and love should really guide the decisions everyone makes when it comes to sex. If a man is going to find the right woman, a person has to be able to say no to all the wrong ones. Control empowers someone to do this. Control always begins with knowing thyself; knowing your weakness and accepting the fact that you are a man. You are only flesh and blood. Flesh implies you have desires. Those desires can get the best of you if you allow them. This vulnerability must be protected, if you are to do well. For all their ferocity, fires cannot sustain themselves. They need fuel to keep them going. All fires die down, if they are not stoked. People need to realize that the pain always subsides if a fire is not sustained.
Fleeing Sexual Immorality means run and do not look back.
Control also means taking personal responsibility. Don’t blame women for their bad behavior when you fail to keep your own eyes from things. A man cannot control what women do. A man can only control what he does. He must take control of himself. Staying away helps a lot; keeping your mind from what you should be thinking about. Keeping your eyes from lingering. Don’t be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Don’t hang out on street corners late at night. A man is only asking for trouble if he does this. Don’t linger around the home of an immoral women. The more you play with fire, the hotter your feelings will burn. The Bible tells everyone to flee sexual immorality; this means run and do not look back.
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